
Our Highlight

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NEC Capital Solutions sincerely thanks you for your loyal patronage.

We were founded in 1978 as a sales financing company for NEC products. Since then, we have expanded the scope of our business as a financial service provider by developing a full range of financial products to address our customers' business challenges, in addition to leases for ICT and other equipment.

Going forward, as we head toward the 2030 target year of achieving the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) that the whole world is working on, we will further promote management based on the concept of “Creating Shared Value (CSV),” which seeks to increase “social value” and create “economic value” while achieving sustainable growth. In order to resolve diversification issues of both customers and society, we will practice CSV management in providing services that lead to a virtuous circle for both the environment and our growth, and realizing our new group vision of “Be a solution company leading the next-generation circular economy.

In doing so, we humbly ask for your continued understanding and support.

President Masaaki Suganuma

Our Strength

We will drive innovation in capital solutions based on the solution areas that are unique to the Company.


Operating Asset Balances by Business Segment

With a focus on leases, we have expanded our service areas to adapt to the changing times.

*As a result of changes in reporting segments, the data shown here has been revised to reflect the new segments from FY2017/3.

Our Unique Characteristics

In our mainstay Leasing Business (leases), we have a wealth of experience handling ICT equipment for government agencies and municipalities.

Composition of Leasing Business

Contracts Executed of Leasing Business, Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024

Our Goal

We aim for CSV management that resolves social issues through business activities.

Example of Initiatives

We aspire to management based on the concept of CSV by revitalizing local economies, preventing global warming, and addressing the problems associated with an aging population in both our core areas (existing business) and new businesses.

Integrated Reports

Since fiscal 2014, we have been issuing the “Integrated Reports” that combines the “Annual Report” for shareholders and investors, which mostly provides financial information, and the “CSR Report” outlining our CSR management and our “CSV Management Vision”. This enables the readers to fully understand our current state of affairs and managerial issues as well as our future medium to long term strategies.